
Dryer Balls

What are the benefits of using wool balls in your dryer?

·         They decrease drying time, saving you money on utility bills. (Especially helpful in the winter months!)

·         Commercial fabric softeners and dryer sheets are filled with harmful chemicals and perfumes that coat your clothing, eventually ending up on your skin. These chemicals can be especially harsh on sensitive skin.

·         Plastic Dryer balls or Tennis balls can release additional chemicals when heated into your clothes, where wool dryer balls are 100% natural and chemical free!

·         Commercial dryer sheets can be costly, and are thrown away after use. Wool dryer balls can be re-used for years, saving you hundreds of dollars.

·         Wool dryer balls won’t affect the absorbency of your towels, kitchen cloths, or cloth diapers the way commercial softeners will.

·         100% wool dryer balls increase fluffiness and reduce static as the load tumbles softening your clothes naturally.

·         They can be scented with essential oils, if you enjoy a light scent to your clothes.

·         Dryer balls are made from a renewable natural resource that makes a great chemical free option, helping you, your wallet and the environment!

How do they work?

It’s simple. They bounce around in the dryer separating clothes, allowing more hot air to circulate through all the garments. As they tumble, the wool balls fluff your laundry, reduce wrinkles, and basically pummel the laundry to make it softer. They do so much more than a dryer sheet by pulling moisture out of your clothes so you don’t have to run the dryer as long. The more dryer balls you have in a load, the shorter the drying time will be.

We recommend that you place your dryer balls in a bowl or basket in between dryer loads.  This lets them air out any moisture left in them & prevents mildew, etc.

I sell them 4 for $20 or additional are $5 each whether you want a larger set now or are adding to your set.  I am in Macon or Moberly on a regular basis, but if you would like them shipped I can easily get an estimate.  please email me at Stay Fluffed Farm

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