Saturday, April 23, 2016

Maker's market

I did my first show today at a local church.  It was outside & we had a beautiful day for it.

Here's a picture of my table.  I took a small selection that went sheep to shawl. I had the mindset that I may not sell anything, but at least I could spend the day spinning & informing people of my craft/art. I like to use the word craft in the old style of a trade craft, something that people learned & worked on their whole life.   I realize that my craft is very select in the people interested.  To my complete enjoyment i actually sold a few things.  Exactly what i thought I would, dryer balls & yarn.

I made some great contacts and met some great people. Several people took my card & I hope that they will read this or a future post!  If you took a card today please comment & let me know!  I would love some feedback on what you liked or what you would like to see.  I'm hoping to get my sale page up & running by tomorrow night. 


  1. Love my dryer balls and enjoyed our conversation.

    1. I'm so glad you love them! It was such a great day for me!

  2. Love my dryer balls and enjoyed our conversation.
