About Me

I grew up on a farm raising mainly Charolais cattle, among some other farm animals.  We always had horses and I was on horseback as a baby.  I still enjoy riding, although I don't claim to be amazing! I was a 4H & FFA member.  I enjoyed showing our cattle through 4H and learning about other cooking projects.  I always knew that if nothing else in life I wanted a few animals around.  Both my mother and grandfather enjoyed working with animals and passed that love to me.  I currently have a full-time, off the farm job that I enjoy as well.  Camo Dad and I were married in 2005 and I can't imagine having a better partner to muddle through life with.  He's completely supportive of my "hobbies" even when they threaten to overwhelm the house.

I've always enjoyed different crafts and picked up a little bit of crochet while I was expecting our daughter.  When she was a few years old, I felt the need to pick up my hook again.  I decided to learn more than the couple stiches that I already knew.  I have 2 great friends who both knit and we started having a girls day out yearly to a local fiber/sheep festival.  We commented on how lovely the Angora rabbits were.  Later that day, my parents went to the same festival to look around and called me discussing how cute those same rabbits were.  Then the suggestion from my mother that my daughter needed a rabbit.  I replied, if we're going to have a rabbit, we at least need an angora so i can sell the fiber.  That was the wrong thing to say.  We had an angora rabbit by the end of the day.  At that point, I decided to learn both how to care for them and what to do with the fiber.  It was a gateway decision. 

I started spinning on a drop spindle.  It was nice, but it felt like it took too long to get yarn made & felt difficult for me to do at the end of a long workday when all I wanted to do was sit down. LOL. So, I decided to find a cheap as possible spinning wheel.  God intervened that year at our fiber-fest as I was chatting with a vendor about spinning.  She happened to have a Babe spinning wheel for sale that was HER first wheel & wanted to sell for only $50!!!  I went and bought it from her 2 weeks later!  That's been a few years now & while I don't claim greatness, I'm getting better all the time! 

As, my daughter was getting older we started thinking toward 4H and what she could show.  Chickens were a top contender.  I like chickens, weird looking ones in particular. LOL.  We have some Silkie chickens that she'll be showing, as well as a few polish and bantum cochins that I keep for eggs and enjoyment.  With my spinning, learning about sheep seemed a natural way.  I discussed and researched breeds and other info for a couple years trying to decide what would be a good fit for us.  I was able to try a variety of breed's wool to ensure getting something we would all enjoy.

We came upon shetlands after I purchased a fleece that I was in love with from washing through crocheting! After more research, we decided that was the breed for us.  And here we are today as a farm.

Other things about me?  I LOVE to read and I LOVE movies and tv.  Movies and TV are often enjoyed while I'm working with wool, combining 2 things I enjoy.  Don't be surprised if I drop movie references in my blog!  I also enjoy learning old fashioned skills, no surprise there, right?  I have a garden ever year, although it's success can vary.  I don't exactly have a green thumb.  I do can and preserve our garden produce and other fruits/veggies included any meats that Camo-Dad brings home.  I'm sure you can guess what he enjoys doing in his spare time. 

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